Discuss who your target audiences are in detail:
Gender: Male and Female
•Both genders are targeted, as we didn’t want the film
to be gender-specific. Thrillers are a typical genre that can attract interest
from both men and women and we therefore didn't want to challenge this. It
may be argued that the film targets females more as in the opening sequence;
only female children are shown as missing. This was not to exclude men in any
way, more to emphasise the purity and innocence of the young girls. By using
all three girls, we wanted to create enigma codes to make the audience question
this pattern. However, despite this the threatening, mysterious themes would
still appeal to male audiences.
Age: 15-30
•We chose to target an age category of 15-25 year
olds as we believed that the film was most applicable and appealing to this age
group. We made the film a 15+ rating, however- despite this, younger viewers
may still be interested in 'Omitted' as a way of showing their authority and
dominance over others. But, we believed that making the film a 15 was a
sensible age group as they can understand the distressing themes within the
film and should be mature enough to know not to react in ways shown in the
opening. We felt that up to 30 year olds was our target audience, however-
many individuals older than this still may be interested to see the film.
We felt that typically, people without children would be more likely to watch
the film as they may not feel as strong attachments or relations to the
young characters shown. Thus, we felt individuals older than 30 may
not wish to see 'Omitted' due to the emotional themes and attachments to
younger children.
•The target audience would be of a middle/working
class background as this would enable them to be able to buy a ticket to the
cinema theatres or buy a DVD copy of the film. Traditionally, these two
groupings are more likely to watch films as the price bracket means they
can afford to do this as a form of entertainment. Whereas upper classes may
have other interests.
Socio-Economic Group: C2, D
and E
•E= Pensioners, Students, The Unemployed
•D= Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers
•C2= Skilled manual workers
•We believe that our most popular target audience
will be students from the ages of 15-21. This is because, thriller/horror films
tend to appeal most to this age group as they enjoy feeling scared and
gain adrenaline from this. Also, they tend to have a large proportion of money,
which is disposable income (from pocket money and part time jobs). This is
because they have no major financial commitments at their age. However,
not only this socio-economic group would be interested in 'Omitted' as
unskilled, semiskilled and skilled manual workers may be interested also.
Ethnicity: White British and
other ethnic groupings
• Of the three main characters shown in the 'Omitted'
opening sequence, two are white British and one is of a different ethnic
background. We wanted to ensure this to show a multi-cultural society and
to attempt not to exclude anyone from being able to relate to the characters
Young and Rubicam Theory:
suggests that all audiences fall into one or more categories.
•The Explorer
•Needs discovery. We expect our
target audience to be driven by investigating and exploring new locations, and
thus will be intrigued to uncover the antagonist behind
this scheming plot. They are driven by a need for challenge and new frontiers,
which would be put to the test whilst watching 'Omitted'.
•The Struggler
•Needs escape. Our target audience
may be seeking a way of escaping from reality whilst watching the film and it
may help them to put their lives into perspective. They depend on luck and
others to help them as a posed to getting on with life
•The Mainstream
•Needs security. Could watch the
film 'Omitted' after hearing positive comments from others- may not necessarily
be something they would like to watch themselves. They respond to big
established brands/companies and therefore if we were to work with large
distributors such as Warner Bros. productions, we would more likely have a
higher proportion of mainstreamers watching.
Uses and Gratifications
Theory: Bulmer & Katz suggest that audiences enjoy products which offer them
opportunities and that a text must gratify and audience's needs.
•Escape: viewers may wish to 'escape' whilst watching
this film by giving them an alternative world/plot to focus on.
•Be Entertained: Any film productions focus on
entertaining the audience. We have used a variety of techniques such as
enigma codes in order to try and engage/entertain the audience watching.
•To form a sense of their own identity: The audience
may feel that they can relate to specific characters in the
film and thus may help them to consider different aspects and questions
faced in the plot. This could enable them to build their own opinions and
identity from the story and apply it into their everyday lives.
Discuss some of the research you did to find out more about your
target audience:
We conducted a questionnaire, in which both male and
female students aged 16-17 answered a few questions on what they thought of
our initial idea for our opening sequence. This age group was a main
target audience- with them being in full time education and therefore their
opinions were greatly influential on our final piece. This gave us an idea
on what a main proportion of our targeted audience felt was the most
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