Monday, 1 December 2014

Initial Ideas: Thriller/Horror Divide

After our initial ideas process, as a group of four we decided that we wanted to explore more than one genre between us. We discussed that the final idea we had decided on could be explored in two slightly different ways, with some similar and some slightly different shots. After discussing a horror/thriller hybrid film, we felt that it would be better for us to work together to produce two different opening sequences- one being a thriller and the other being a horror. This meant that we would have multiple shots of similar things, but with slight alterations in order to fit the genre. 

For example, one idea we wanted to incorporate was a image of a teddy bear on the floor of a forest. For the thriller, we felt that this shot could incorporate a footprint in the mud in order to create further narrative enigma and follow a typical theme of thriller filmstrip including this. However, for the horror this angle would be more appropriate if it were to have blood or weaponry on the floor surrounding it. In two pairs, we researched into the genre we had chosen in order to make accurate judgements as to what things would be different between the two opening sequences. Therefore, with my opening sequence being a Thriller- my blog focuses on research into that genre. The genres do cross over at points and some elements have clear links, which will be reflected in the final piece.

Eleanor Burgess (me) and Louise Chapman - Thriller

Justine Panlaqui and Kate Foster - Horror

With my project being thriller based, I wanted to ensure that the storyline had a clear link to the police or a possible investigation occurring, whilst Justine and Kate wanted to focus on a possible culprit of the incident. Although, we all agreed to work together in order to help each other achieve all the shots required for the project.

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