Saturday, 6 December 2014


Our opening sequence is based around a young girl named Molly who has mysteriously disappeared. We felt that casting was a very important part of the process as we wanted to find a young girl with an innocent face. We had discussed that we wanted a relatively young female to have the role as it would add to the suspense level as a child going missing is much more engaging and suspense building than an older character. With this being said, we didn't want a girl too young in that it would have been difficult to film or impossible to find a actress to fit.

We asked the drama teachers at our school if anyone fitted the brief that we had explained and she mentioned a few different names of drama students who we went and spoke to shortly after. After getting rough photographs of each of them, as a group we discussed who we felt would fit the opening sequence the best. We decided on a year ten pupil named Charlotte Webb. From our storyboard, we knew that the actress would not be in a huge proportion of the shots taken- however we would need multiple pictures. We constructed a formal permission letter for Charlotte and her parents to read and allowed them to contact us with any questions they had. We left our email addresses at the bottom for this. 

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