Monday, 1 December 2014

Audience Questionnaires: Analysis

We gave our questionnaire to 10 individuals aged 16-17 years old of both genders (a key target audience group) who completed the survey. Their opinions were greatly influential when it came to making key decisions regarding locations, plots and titles. We wanted a variety of opinions from both genders as the target audience consists of both male and female participants. We used both open and closed (multiple choice) questions in order to try and get the most out of the respondents.

The first question was 'what is your favourite film genre?'- this allowed us to see what genres are most popular to this age group. Thriller was the most common answer, closely followed by horror. We decided to follow this by creating both a thriller and horror version of our opening sequence. Both will overlap between these two genres through the suspenseful plot. 

Those that answered with thriller being their favourite genre- explained that this was because of the tension and suspense building factors, some also mentioned about the idea of having 'butterflies in their stomach' gave them a thrill and adrenaline. 

The next question was if they liked film opening sequences in general. The majority of participants said no, but the two that said yes explained that this was due to the continuous, almost never ending list of names being shown as the focus as opposed to the storyline. We wanted to ensure that in our final piece that the credits were a main contributor to the sequence- but not last too long. 

We then asked which location they believed built the most tension and created the most enigma codes as this is a key factor in keeping an audience engaged throughout. The most popular location was a dark forest. We wanted to incorporate this location into a piece of our sequence- but not have this location the only one featured otherwise it could've felt repetitive and ongoing. The second most popular answer was an old abandoned house, which would be featured in the horror version.

We then gave a brief summary of the initial plot idea and asked for potential feedback and improvements on it.
Improvements included:
- "Maybe focus on 1 girl"
- "Add some more background info at the start"
- "Include info on how the girl went missing and some background info of the other girls too"

Finally, we asked what they felt was the best title for a thriller film. The majority of people selected Omitted- with it being a synonym for 'Missing'. 

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